How beyond helps businesses grow – from one of our members, 'labb'!

Posted by Admin on Jul 26, 2024 12:24:26 PM




It’s in the name – our mission has always been to help businesses go ‘beyond’. 

Every service and amenity we offer is tailored to help our members progress, achieve more, and of course grow!  

One of beyond’s greatest growth success stories is our amazing member ‘labb’, a software consultancy that specialises in the development of customer and employee journeys. 

In the two years they’ve been at our London-based beyond Aldgate Tower, labb’s growth has exploded, with their global headcount going from around 20 to over 100 people, leading them to upsize from 4-person to a 35-person private office.

So, who better to hear from on how beyond can help businesses grow?  

We spoke to one of labb's incredible team, their sales and customer success lead Jonathan, about their time at beyond.

What drew labb to becoming a member at beyond?

“We knew we needed to be closer to the city, as a number of our clients are based in the area, so we spent some time looking around to find a place that suited us.”

“beyond by quite a long stretch had some of the best facilities in the area, with meeting rooms, breakout spaces, beer taps and coffee stations. We spend a lot of time with our customers so having a variety of spaces has really worked for us.”

“Not to mention having great bicycle parking, tube access and showers has been awesome!”

How have beyond’s facilities enabled you to expand your team?

“Firstly, beyond as a company has been really flexible and supportive of our growth. We have had 4 different offices in Aldgate, and each time it has been an easy move with a lot of help from the beyond’s community team. 

“Secondly, we operate a hybrid model and really enjoy having people in the office. I think the design and facilities have really helped us not only provide a great space for our team to come to on a daily basis, but also really helped sell labb when we are interviewing people to join our company.”

How has beyond’s flexible/coworking workspace environment contributed to your company's growth and scalability?

“We have members of our team based all across the UK, so having a flexible environment has been really great when we have a number of team members coming down at one point in time. 

“The flexibility of beyond gives us the capacity to flex up and down the number of people we have in an office, which has been really great for getting teams into the office.”


labb meeting room

Have any collaborative opportunities or networking advantages arisen from being part of the beyond community?

“We certainly love the community events – it’s great for team building. In terms of networking, there are a number of software consultancies within the building that we are looking to build relationships with. As they aren’t competitive, it’s a great opportunity for us to see how we could work together.”
Looking ahead, how do you think beyond will be a part of continuing to support your company's growth and expansion goals?

“As beyond grows into other geographies that align with where we are, based on the great experience we have had, we will always look to beyond first.”

A recap on how beyond can help you grow...

From our flexible, scalable membership terms that let you upsize in a flash to our enviable design, amenities and events that are as good at building community as they are at boosting staff retention and attracting talent, beyond locations are designed with growth in mind.

So, if you’re looking to help your business blossom, get in touch with the team today to book a viewing here.



Topics: flexible workspace, flexible officespace, real estate, commercial real estate, beyond aldgate tower, aldgate tower, london, office in shoreditch, coworking space, private office, offices, flexible working, flexoffice, SMEs, community, meeting rooms